Savings Forms and Documents
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Account Nomination FormRelease your interest to your external nominated account with our Account Nomination FormPDF - 169KB
Adding an Additional Account HolderForm to allow additional account holders to existing accountsPDF - 419KB
Additional Account Opening Form - SterlingForm for existing customers open an additional Sterling accountPDF - 192KB
Additional Account Opening Form - USDForm for existing customers open an additional US Dollar accountPDF - 127KB
Amendment to MandateTo amend your name or signature to your completed mandate please complete this form.PDF - 203KB
Change Of Jurisdiction FormTo confirm your residential or correspondence address following a change in countryPDF - 227KB
Customer Information FormA form that allows you to update the personal information Skipton holds on file for youPDF - 165KB
Declaration of Source of FundsAs a regulatory requirement, any source of deposit or gift must be verified by investment applicants and account holdersPDF - 162KB
Deposit Application FormNew customer savings account application formPDF - 782KB
Deposit Change of Address FormTo change your residential or correspondence address please complete this form and return it to us at the below addressPDF - 169KB
Deposit Form - SterlingComplete this form to send Sterling funds to your accountPDF - 171KB
Deposit Form - USDComplete this form to send US Dollar funds to your accountPDF - 213KB
Deposit Gift LetterA gift letter is a statement that ensures your lender the money that came into your account is a gift and not a loanPDF - 159KB
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act FAQsQuestions answered in relation to the FACTAPDF - 123KB
Fraud PreventionAt Skipton International we take the security of our customer's very seriouslyPDF - 437KB
General Terms and ConditionsGeneral Terms and Conditions for savings accounts - December 2023PDF - 269KB
Identification Verification FormConfirm your identity and complete the details for your applicationPDF - 242KB
Interest Rates - SterlingCurrent available variable interest rates for Sterling accountsPDF - 288KB
Interest Rates - USDCurrent available variable interest rates for US Dollar accountsPDF - 254KB
Passcode Indemnity AgreementAgreement form for telephone instructions to Skipton InternationalPDF - 203KB
Power of Attorney and Guardianship FormComplete this form if you would like to register for a POA or Guardianship to your accountPDF - 252KB
Savings Tariff of Charges - SterlingA list of charges for Sterling accounts, which will be incurred by investors in different situationsPDF - 100KB
Savings Tariff of Charges - USDA list of charges for US Dollar accounts, which will be incurred by investors in different situationsPDF - 100KB
Self Certification Declaration for an IndividualThis form can be used to declare your tax residence and any Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs) that have been issued to you by the relevant authorities.PDF - 171KB
Third And Fourth Applicant FormForm for third and fourth applicantsPDF - 209KB
Third Party MandateThis will allow the account holder to nominate a third party individual to act on the account holder’s behalf. Further information can be found on this form.PDF - 345KB
Withdrawal FormProcess to withdrawal or transfer fundsPDF - 149KB
Account Nomination FormRelease your interest to your external nominated account with our Account Nomination FormPDF - 169KB
Adding an Additional Account HolderForm to allow additional account holders to existing accountsPDF - 419KB
Additional Account Opening Form - SterlingForm for existing customers open an additional Sterling accountPDF - 192KB
Additional Account Opening Form - USDForm for existing customers open an additional US Dollar accountPDF - 127KB
Amendment to MandateTo amend your name or signature to your completed mandate please complete this form.PDF - 203KB
Change Of Jurisdiction FormTo confirm your residential or correspondence address following a change in countryPDF - 227KB
Customer Information FormA form that allows you to update the personal information Skipton holds on file for youPDF - 165KB
Declaration of Source of FundsAs a regulatory requirement, any source of deposit or gift must be verified by investment applicants and account holdersPDF - 162KB
Deposit Application FormNew customer savings account application formPDF - 782KB
Deposit Change of Address FormTo change your residential or correspondence address please complete this form and return it to us at the below addressPDF - 169KB
Deposit Form - SterlingComplete this form to send Sterling funds to your accountPDF - 171KB
Deposit Form - USDComplete this form to send US Dollar funds to your accountPDF - 213KB
Deposit Gift LetterA gift letter is a statement that ensures your lender the money that came into your account is a gift and not a loanPDF - 159KB
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act FAQsQuestions answered in relation to the FACTAPDF - 123KB
Fraud PreventionAt Skipton International we take the security of our customer's very seriouslyPDF - 437KB
General Terms and ConditionsGeneral Terms and Conditions for savings accounts - December 2023PDF - 269KB
Identification Verification FormConfirm your identity and complete the details for your applicationPDF - 242KB
Interest Rates - SterlingCurrent available variable interest rates for Sterling accountsPDF - 288KB
Interest Rates - USDCurrent available variable interest rates for US Dollar accountsPDF - 254KB
Passcode Indemnity AgreementAgreement form for telephone instructions to Skipton InternationalPDF - 203KB
Power of Attorney and Guardianship FormComplete this form if you would like to register for a POA or Guardianship to your accountPDF - 252KB
Savings Tariff of Charges - SterlingA list of charges for Sterling accounts, which will be incurred by investors in different situationsPDF - 100KB
Savings Tariff of Charges - USDA list of charges for US Dollar accounts, which will be incurred by investors in different situationsPDF - 100KB
Self Certification Declaration for an IndividualThis form can be used to declare your tax residence and any Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs) that have been issued to you by the relevant authorities.PDF - 171KB
Third And Fourth Applicant FormForm for third and fourth applicantsPDF - 209KB
Third Party MandateThis will allow the account holder to nominate a third party individual to act on the account holder’s behalf. Further information can be found on this form.PDF - 345KB
Withdrawal FormProcess to withdrawal or transfer fundsPDF - 149KB