Skipton Swimarathon champions collect their trophies

The Presentation Evening for the 40th Anniversary of the Skipton Swimarathon saw the outstanding efforts of Swimarathon entrants rewarded with an array of trophies.
1,780 swimmers took part in the event earlier this month and are set to raise at least £55,000. In honour of the 40th anniversary, 40 beneficiaries were chosen and each will receive £1,000. They are all deserving local charities that were chosen by the Skipton Swimarathon committee. The event has been sponsored by Skipton International since 2010 and is organised jointly by the Lions Club of Guernsey and Guernsey Round Table.
32 trophies were awarded at the ceremony last night at Beau Sejour. Lucy Slimm collected the 40th Anniversary Beneficiary Trophy on behalf of Active, while the Guernsey Sports Association for the Disabled took the R G Falla Cup for most funds raised. St Sampson’s High won the Hambros Bank Trophy for the most laps for a school team during the Swimarathon At Large, swimming 73 laps in one session. The Cable and Wireless Guernsey Can Award for Special Endeavour went to Karl Enticott who personally raised sponsorship of £3,427, and Dominique Legg, from the Guernsey Sports Association for the Disabled was awarded the Most Improved Swimmer trophy.
Steve Hogg, Chairman of the Skipton Swimarathon, said: “The variety of trophies awarded illustrates the broad appeal of the Swimarathon. My congratulations to all trophy winners and many thanks to everyone who supported this year’s event and enabled charities across the Bailiwick to receive funds to help their work.”
“We are keen to distribute funds, so if anyone still has sponsorship to collect, it would be appreciated if this could be arranged and the money paid in as soon as possible.”
Since its launch the Swimarathon has generated over £1,385,000 for Bailiwick charities, making it the island’s largest community fund raising event.
Jim Coupe, Managing Director, Skipton International, said: “Skipton International would like to congratulate everyone who won a Swimarathon trophy. Your phenomenal efforts are truly appreciated. We also thank everyone who swam and or sponsored our swimmers and hope even more people will be inspired to take part next year.”
Alongside the eight lanes of swimming at Beau Sejour, supporters took to the water at four schools as part of Swimarathon At Large. Pupils from Les Beaucamps High School, The Grammar School, Elizabeth College, St. Sampson’s High School and Le Murier School all took the plunge.
Any outstanding sponsorship funds should be paid into the Skipton Swimarathon bank account. Details below:
Bank Name: HSBC, St Peter Port
Account Name: Swimarathon
Account Number: 84125126
Sort Code: 40-22-25
Alternatively, cash may be handed into Skipton International’s office at Tudor House, The Bordage, St Peter Port.