Skipton Swimarathon names Roger Allsopp as event Ambassador

The most inspirational swimmer in Britain, one of the Independent newspaper's 100 outstanding people whose charitable work makes the UK a happier place and the oldest person to swim the channel, now the Skipton Swimarathon is delighted to announce that Roger Allsopp will be joining this year's event as its official Ambassador. The 71 year old Guinness World Record holding swimmer is also a retired breast cancer surgeon and grandfather, as well as being one of Guernsey's best known and loved personalities. As Ambassador to the Skipton Swimarathon, his role will be to work with the sponsors Skipton International to encourage people to sign up for this year's event and so raise funds for local good causes and also to formally open start the swimming on the day.
The Skipton Swimarathon, now in its 36th year, is organised by the Guernsey Lions and the Guernsey Round Table and is one of the island's oldest charity events. Set to take place again this year at the Beau Sejour Centre from Wednesday 03 - 07 October, the event raises funds for good causes in Guernsey and is a permanent fixture in the island's charity events calendar.
Roger Allsopp first swam across the English Channel in 2006 at the age of 65, at which point he became the fourth oldest person to successfully swim the distance and a member of the Channel Half Century Club, an honour limited to individuals who have successfully completed a Channel swim and who are at least 50 years of age. On Roger's second swim across the English Channel in August 2011, he became the oldest person to swim the crossing in a time of 17 hours 51 minutes. The conditions on the day were particularly harsh, with Roger having to battle a 6 metre spring tide.
A role model for many in Guernsey, Allsopp also won the H2Open 2012 World's Most Inspirational Swim of 2011 award, beating David Walliams of Little Britain fame.
The Skipton Swimarathon is sponsored by Skipton International.