“Purple Monday” returns as Skipton supports vulnerable islanders
Monday 17 January 2022 marks the second Skipton International “Purple Monday” campaign, which supports Guernsey residents on the most depressing day of the year. The firm has elected to specifically help the over-60s by delivering gift bags in partnership with the Meals on Wheels service, in addition to covering St. Peter Port in uplifting signage for all to enjoy.

A team of Skipton volunteers will accompany the Meals on Wheels service, which is run by the Guernsey Voluntary Service, delivering gift bags containing cakes together with other small gifts, and a leaflet outlining avenues for invaluable support, be it for loneliness or mental health. The leaflet will give residents the contact details for local charities and organisations including Guernsey Mind, Age Concern, Health Connections, and Men’s Shed.
The name Purple Monday derives from “Blue Monday”, the date which is supposedly the most depressing day of the year. It falls on the third Monday of January, when the weather is likely to be dark and grey, debts are often collected, post-Christmas blues have set in, and New Year’s resolutions may have failed. The ongoing emotional impact of the pandemic is an additional factor, and one that affects the over-60s community in particular as they often end up isolated and lonely.
Purple Monday is Skipton’s way of combating this depressing day. This year, the firm will once again cover the island in motivational signs with uplifting messages such as “happier days are coming”, all stylised with the firm’s iconic purple branding and designed in partnership with local artists Bekah Johnston and Sian Jones.
Skipton International PR Manager Julie Todd said:
“We are thrilled to once again ‘paint the island purple’ with our signage. We hope that the motivational phrases put a smile on many islanders’ faces on this challenging day."
“At Skipton, we regularly seek to give back to the community and, while there is a lot of attention placed on mental health during Blue Monday, we’d also like to remind islanders of the valuable support that our local services provide as they work tirelessly throughout the year to improve our wellbeing.
“This year we are particularly keen to support our elderly residents as we know the pandemic has seen many of them become isolated. Our hope is that the gift bags we deliver will cheer them up and the informative leaflets will help them contact the right people to support them through any challenges they might face. Talking can have such a huge benefit and we at Skipton recognise how lucky we are to have so many services and charities able to help people here in Guernsey.”
Signs will be placed around town for 24 hours on Monday 17 January 2022.
If you are a journalist requiring more information about Skipton International please contact Julie Todd, PR Manager. Email your queries to Julie.Todd@skiptoninternational.com or call +44 (0) 1481 734002