2nd Nov 2022
Skipton International decreases mortgage minimum loan amount

Skipton International has decreased its mortgage minimum loan to £100,000 from the previous minimum of £150,000.
This follows feedback from a number of its mortgage brokers who regularly have clients seeking between the amounts of £100,000 and £150,000.
Roger Hughes, Skipton’s Business Development Manager, said:
“We’ve worked hard to enhance our services to meet with demand, including this reduction in the minimum loan amount to £100,000. Where some lenders have withdrawn from lending in the market, we continue with our proposition. Anyone who wishes to find out more, or to see how much they can borrow online, can do so at: www.skiptoninternational.com/mortgages”
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If you are a journalist requiring more information about Skipton International please contact Julie Todd, PR Manager. Email your queries to Julie.Todd@skiptoninternational.com or call +44 (0) 1481 734002