Restricted properties
Properties that Skipton cannot offer mortgages against
This list is not exhaustive and will be updated of properties/developments against which Skipton will not lend.
If you have a new build property and/or any that are not on this list, please refer to the Sales team as normal on +44 (0)1481 734000 or prior to applying. Also, please note that the developments may have various postcodes and not just those provided.
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
Skipton International will require all landlords of UK rental properties to have a minimum Energy Performance Rating of A to C or a “D” rating only if it can be upgraded to an A to C rating.
Skipton International will require applicants to supply a copy of a current Energy Performance Certificate demonstrating its rating or potential rating.
Skipton International reserves the right to request provision of Energy Performance Certificates at any point during the life of your mortgage.
England and Wales
To check if your property meets the required standards, simply click on the following link, enter the postcode and download the Energy Performance Certificate in PDF format.
For further information and guidance, please visit the UK Government web site.
To check if your property meets the required standards, simply click on the following link, enter the postcode and download the Energy Performance Certificate in PDF format.
For further information and guidance, please visit the following web site;
Ground rent criteria
Ground rent
Prior to submitting your application please refer to the “Supporting Documentation Check List section called “Ground Rent” to ensure that your ground rent is within criteria.
Ground rent New Builds
If you are purchasing or remortgaging a New build property please provide the following details;
- Ground rent
- Renewal basis (i.e. by RPI)
- Renewal term (how often the ground rent is reviewed/increased)
Ground rent Previously owned property
If you are purchasing or remortgaging a Previously owned property, please provide the following details;
- Ground rent
- Renewal basis (i.e. by RPI)
- Renewal term (how often the ground rent is reviewed/increased)
Estate Rent charges
If your property is subject to “Estate Rent charges”, please contact ours sales team “prior” to submitting an application as prior agreement is required.
- Properties that will not be complete (ready for tenant occupation) within 6 months of applying to Skipton.
- Non standard construction or conversions will be assessed on a case by case basis.
- LPS (large panel systems) and PRC (precast reinforced concrete) properties. However, some modern building construction types will be acceptable.
- Properties less than 10 years old without a building warranty certificate. A list of acceptable providers is available on request. Architects' certificates are only acceptable on developments with less than 15 units.
- Scottish properties which have any form of cladding to the exterior.
- Flats over 5 floors with no access to a lift. No restriction on number of floors if not ex LA.
- Ex-local Authority flats exceeding 5 floors or exceeding 48 units in the block.
- Leasehold properties with less than 85 years to run at the point of application.
- Properties directly above commercial premises need to be agreed prior to an application being submitted.
- Post Grenfell Towers, we need confirmation that any cladding/external insulation meets current fire regulations. We will require evidence of this prior to a valuation being instructed. If not, the valuer may return a nil value on the property. Confirmation can be in the form of a report by either a “Fire Safety officer” or a “Structural Engineer” with the appropriate fire prevention experience. This would need to confirm that the property has been inspected post 14 June 2017 and considered to meet current requirements.
- Flats with/ without a leasehold and where the client owns the full freehold (not just a share).
- Freehold and flying freehold (or part thereof) flats in England or Wales.
- Scottish properties which have any form of cladding to the exterior.
- Studio apartments with a value less than £350,000 and less than 35sqm.
- Properties less than 10 years old without a building warranty certificate. A list of acceptable providers is available on request. Architects' certificates are only acceptable on developments with less than 15 units.
- Houses that are leasehold will be assessed on a case by case basis to ensure there are no onerous ground rent conditions.
- Grade I or II* Listed Buildings in England and Wales or Grade A Listed Buildings in Scotland. Other categories of Listed Building are acceptable subject to valuer comment and there being no onerous restrictions in the title deeds.
- Any properties affected by invasive plant species e.g. Knotweed.
- Holiday lets.
- Thatched properties.
- Leasehold properties with less than 85 years to run at the point of application.
- Properties that comprise more than one independent unit of accommodation (annexes, wings and duplex properties etc.).
- Properties being purchased at auction.
- Office block conversions.
- Licensed houses of multiple occupancy.
- All properties less than 35 Square meters