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You might be able to find the answer to your question in our help pages
  • Customer information help
    If you are a customer and have been contacted to provide information, find contact information here.
  • Savings help
    Find FAQs, guides and forms for our savings account products
  • Mortgage help
    Find answers to all your questions about our mortgages products
Opening hours
Skipton wish you a joyful holiday season and best wishes for 2025.
Please note our festive closing times:

Tuesday 24 December from 12:30pm
Wednesday 25 December
Thursday 26 December
Tuesday 31 December from 2:30pm
Wednesday 1 January

The Guernsey office is open Monday - Friday 08.30 - 17:00 (UK Time)
The Jersey office is open Monday - Friday 09.00 - 17:00 (UK Time)
Telephone lines are open Monday - Friday from 08:30 to 17:00 (UK Time) on +44 (0)1481 730 730
To help maintain service and quality, some telephone calls may be recorded and monitored

Call Back Request

Skipton Media Centre
Media Centre
If you are a journalist requiring more information about Skipton International please contact:

International contact: Julie Todd, PR Manager. Email or call +44 (0)1481 734 002

Channel Island contact: Ben Corbet, Communications Associate. Email or call +44 (0) 1481 743327

For media enquiries out of normal office hours please contact +44 (0)7781 116713